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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Watched! Miyazaki's 'Ponyo'

I Watched Ponyo last night. After a long 2 year wait Ponyo finally arrives to a western audience. English dubbed Japanese films are usually a bit shoddy but with Disney's backing the Ghibli films always seem to come out with a great English cast. At first i wasnt too sure about the simplicity in the animation within a still, but once I saw the animation in motion, it really has a life of its own with so much fluidity. Similar to 'My Neighbor Totoro', 'Similar in theme and tone, both films ground themselves in domestic life and simply seek to depict how emotional realities are transmitted through a child’s imagination.' (1)

Im really interested in the way the main character gets sucked into this magical atmosphere. I know that this is quite a light hearted piece, but what really grabs me about Miyazaki's films is how he creates imaginative worlds in such effective ways, through  excellent sound design, music composition and visual elements really make up this child like world.

The idea of how Caroline Mckenzie speaks about the depiction of how 'emotional realities are transmitted through a child's imagination.', is an important one for 'Graces Fall'.

Ponyo Trailer from kinodiseea on Vimeo.

(1) Caroline McKenzie, High-water Mark, Reverse Shot, http://www.reverseshot.com/article/ponyo

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